Laying on of Hands/Using Your Authority

 Luke 10:19  Behold, I give you authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy. And nothing shall by any means hurt you. 

Most believers today not only don't know it is ALWAYS God's will for them to be well (He does NOT ever change), but they also don't realize they have authority that Jesus has given them over the enemy.  The enemy has come to kill, steal, and destroy and Jesus has come to give us life in abundance, and to destroy the works of the enemy.  (John 10:10, 1 John 3:8)

I used to think that healing died out with the apostles.  But Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever and He lives inside all believers.  He is still healing people, and people should look into this to hear testimonies as they are very faith building.  In fact Revelation 12:11 says they overcame by the blood of the lamb, and the word of their testimony.  

Andrew Wommack is a great teacher on healing for believers, and how to walk in divine healing.  His son was dead for four hours in a morgue with a toe tag on, and raised from the dead.  The faith of Andrew Wommack and his wife were the catalyst.  Graduates from Charis Bible College, which Andrew Wommack founded, have raised over 100 people from the dead and healed countless numbers of people.  

Curry Blake is another great man of God teaching people how to walk in divine health, and heal others, while he heals people regularly. His organization, John G. Lake Ministries was started by the Canadian/American John Graham Lake who in the early 1900's healed so many people in Northwest America, one city was declared "the healthiest city in America" while he was there.  For more information about this you can go here.

Carlie Terradez of Terradez Ministries studied under Andrew Wommack at Charis Bible College, but had many miracles occur in her life even before attending the school in Colorado.  She was healed of epilepsy, paralysis, and diabetes.  Her daughter was on death's door before being healed at a conference with Andrew Wommack.  Now Carlie, and her husband Ashley, travel the world healing people as they obey Jesus' commandment to heal the sick and tell people about the Kingdom of God.  She also teaches people how to walk in divine health, and heal others.  She has many informative and practical books all expounding on the Word of God.

The amazing thing about all the aformentioned people is that their teaching is all the same, as it is based on their thorough understanding of God's Word.  As there are physical laws God has put in place, there are also spiritual laws and if you don't understand them, let alone know them, you won't be able to operate in them.  

Jesus NEVER prayed for anyone sick in the Bible.  Neither did the disciples.  What they did do was command.  Get up and walk, stretch out your hand, be opened, be healed, be clean.  He also told devils to get out.  Sickness is from the devil and you can tell it to get out in the name of Jesus.  Jesus has given you the authority to do so.  

By his stripes (wounds) we are healed (1 Peter 2:24; Isaiah 53:5).  This is a paradigm shift and this is the reason the Bible teaches us we need to renew our minds so that they come into agreement with our new spirits given to us when we are born again.  

Romans 8:11 But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead lives in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit that lives in you. 

We have resurrection power inside of us, and Jesus gave us the authority to use it.  Tell inflammation to get out of your body in the name of Jesus.  Command your blood pressure to come down, or your spine to straighten out.  Our words are powerful.  Proverbs 18:21 says the power of death and life are in the tongue.  Read God's Word out loud, and read it often to renew your mind.  Let's start taking God at His Word, obeying Him and laying hands on the sick to heal them while we walk in divine health.

Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, and cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.  Matt. 10:8


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