Boron- Life on Earth
"Due to its importance in the so-called sugars world, boron may have played an essential role in the prebiotic origins of genetic material." This quote is from an article entitled "Nothing Boring About Boron" from the National library of medicine citing study after study demonstrating the benefits of this trace mineral.
Boron can be found in Borax, the cheapest form available, the majority of which mined from Death Valley. God brings life from death.
When I read about the benefits of this trace mineral I was stunned. Arthritis seems to disappear when people begin to take this trace mineral, estrogen levels can double (good for menopause), and inflammation in general decreases. Magnesium is more easily absorbed as well as Vitamin D3 when boron levels are repleted in the body. People have also reported their lymph systems improving.
Areas of the world naturally consuming levels of Boron have no arthritis! Cervical cancers also are less or non existent in areas of the world with higher Boron levels. I highly recommend people read the article published on Pub Med regarding this incredible trace mineral that can be obtained for pennies on the dollar.
People who bath in Borax (up to 1/4 cup of regular Borax in a full bath) seem to benefit from less pain due to arthritis. Some people will also ingest Borax in extremely small doses, and you must be very careful when doing this. Here is an article with recommendations, as well as information about the different forms of Boron.
If you don't feel like playing scientist, you can purchase a simple bottle like I did and just put the recommended amount in some water or juice and down the hatch. You can also get it in capsule form.
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