
 Magnesium is important for so many things.  For one, it can prevent constipation.  For another, it is great for heart health.  And according to Dr. Mark Sircus magnesium in the form of magnesium bicarbonate is good for preventing and eliminating inflammation, and is known as the spark of life.  You can read more about what he has to say here.

Magnesium comes in various forms, but the forms recommended by Dr. Sircus are magnesium chloride, applied topically and magnesium bicarbonate, which can be made at home very inexpensively.  Ancient Minerals is what I use in the form of spray, gel, and flakes.  After taking a bath in the magnesium flakes (usually about 1 cup of them) I feel extremely relaxed, and all aches and pains seem to disappear.  The best night's sleep can come after a bath in these flakes. 

I recently purchased a soda maker and magnesium hydroxide to make my homemade magnesium bicarbonate.  The bicarbonate keeps the body from becoming too acidic, and because the magnesium is being taken in water it is absorbed more easily.  This is a way of combining two incredible therapeutics for your body.  Apparently this form of magnesium was discovered when cows drinking from a certain spring lived 30-50% longer than other cows, and the water was tested showing high levels of magnesium bicarbonate.  There are lots of youtube videos about how to make your own magnesium bicarbonate and here is a link for one of them.  If I can do it, anyone can.  

After taking magnesium bicarbonate for over three months I have way less heart palpitations, way lower anxiety, less aches and pains, and a lot more energy.  It is extremely important to incorporate magnesium into your life as it is impossible to get enough from food these days, as the minerals in the ground are being depleted via pesticides.


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