Learning As We Go
We're all on a journey here in earth school, and when it comes to health it really is a process. The learning curve, when it comes to natural health, is a little more involved as the information is not spoon fed to us, like information about unnatural health.
Unnatural health is what I would call corrupted health. In my opinion, there is Creation, and corruption. The Bible says everything good comes from God. God provides us with everything we need for our health, but we need to discover what those things are. Its kind of like a treasure hunt. Corruption does not come from God, it comes from the enemy and I think we all know who that is. The thing about corruption is that it is subtle and often disguised as being something good for you or at least harmless.
After going into intensive care for two weeks with colitis from antibiotics in my early 20's, I began to question medicine. I bought a book called Natural Cures They Don't Want You to Know About by Kevin Trudeau. I'll never forget how Trudeau pointed out the fact that the existence of an administration called the Food and Drug Administration is in and of itself alarming. Why would there be an organization overseeing our food, and our drugs? As you become sick from the poison they allow to be put into your food, you can then pay for the drugs to curb the symptoms, which will give you new symptoms for which you will need to buy more of their drugs, and on and on it goes. I also read Jordan Rubin's book The Great Physicians RX for Health and Wellness , along with some books by Dr. Andrew Weil. I began to be more aware of what I was ingesting, and tended to stay away from medications. However, I didn't know the horrible truth about vaccines, and am sorry to say my children had all their vaccinations. As I said, this is a process.
Jesus asked people if they wanted to get well and I think its important for us to think about that. Do we want to get well, and be well? If we're honest, sometimes we don't. We would rather continue eating sugar, or not bother with that cumbersome protocol. If you do want to get/be well, how bad do you want it? Are you willing to do what it takes?
I have to ask myself these questions continually, and the answers may vary from time to time. But when you reach a point of really wanting to be healthy, I believe God leads you to the information you need to do that.
Hopefully I can share some of what I've learned in a VERY simplified way. I like things simple, as that is what my brain can handle. There are lots of experts out there and I'm not one of them. But I will provide links to good information as I go. Thank you for visiting and my hope is to be of some help to you.
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